Fused in Flames – Comics

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Fused in Flames – Comics



9.5″ x 13″

82 Pages


Written by: F.H. Einhorn

Illustrated by: Avrohom Zmora

Published by: Shai Publishing

The bond between father and son was “Fused in Flames”. The flames of war danced savagely around them, yet they remained focused on different flames. Holy flames. The sparks of mesirus nefesh and connection to Hashem enabled them to fight fire with fire. Father and son walked along a tightrope where one tiny misstep could spell instant death. They were saved via a long chain of miracles, each one astounding than the preceding one. Hashem protected these tzaddikim so that they should be able to reestablish Yiddishkeit on foreign shores, after the destruction in Europe.

The story was recounted by the Bobover Rebbes at various occasions, specially during times of celebration when they wished to publicly thank Hashem for the miracles He wrought on their behalf.

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Fused in Flames - Comics

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